July 18, 2009

this n' that

This is just a bunch of pics that I have taken in the past few months and finally got around to editing today. So, enjoy and let me know what you think.
I absolutely love how delicate the black and white makes the purple look.

Yeah, that is really the color of my eye. They kind of change around. Usually there is more dark brown and golden color around the middle. I am just sharing this cause I liked how it turned out even if it is a little creepy. lol
This is when I went camping with my friends a two weeks ago. We were going for a walk down to the trails.

A cabin across the river hidden deep within the forest. Only allowing a small peek into their secluded lives. Yep. That's the cheesy romantic in me. hahaha
I love Gerber daisies. They are just so adorable. Orange ones are the best. I love having my mom work at a florist. I am spoiled by the owner. *laughs evilly* JUST KIDDING! I am spoiled by him but I am not evil.
Dontcha love farmers markets especially in the evening. The light was perfect.

I just totally blanked on what kind of flower this was. I think it is in the same family as peony or something similar.
This was totally awesome. It would have been better with the whole cylinder but there was a pole right through the middle. Bummer!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed those. I do have a question. How so you get a bokeh effect? Can you do it on your camera or is it all photoshoped. Okay, if you know how that would be great. And let me know how you like my new header. Thanks. TTYL


Anonymous said...

Hey, Amber! No problem about the questions. =) I'm glad to help.

To get your photos larger, just see this post on my blog. It's also got handy tips on how to resize your blog margins to fit the pics! Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Great pics! I absolutely LOVE the second one of the shadow! amazing. And I switched your blogs out on my photog blog!! ;) sorry about that.

I like your header!!

Sara said...

Love the shawdow pictures, especially the flower!

Allison Joy said...

Hi Amber!

Assorted photos are such fun :)

Bokeh can be done by having a really shallow depth-of-field (DOF), such as f3.5 or f1.2 (size of aperture). It makes the background and any light sources blur beautifully :)
Check out this article on how to do fun stuff with bokeh!! DIY Bokeh

Have fun!