July 26, 2009

another question

Okay, I am learning a lot so please don't get mad at me for asking so many questions. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knows how I can take the blue line around my header out. I haven't seen it on any of yours so I know it doesn't have to be there. Thanks for any help and for putting up with all my questions! lol


Paige Elizabeth said...

Hey Amber! Thanks for the comment on my blog. It is always so encouraging to hear from those who look at my blog! :)

Sure, I can help you with this! Do you know how to work in HTML?

Amber said...

Kind of,

I just made the border color white so now it's not showing anymore so I think I did it. But I liked having a border around my pics just not my header....if you can help that would be awesome.

Paige Elizabeth said...

Hey, sorry I never got back to you!

K, so you want a border around your pics, but not your header? :D We can do that! haha! ;)

Go to your HTML page, and scroll down to:

#header {
margin: 0px;
border: 0px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: left;

Do you see where it says *border* change that to 0px --- like you see above.

Then scroll down (under the posts section) to:

.post img {
border:1px solid #666666;

If you don't have the border part, just copy and paste. You can change the color code to any color you want. Just don't forget the # sign before the numbers. lol. :D And if you want a thicker border change the 1px to a bigger number.

...and there you have it! Hope this helps you!! :D