September 22, 2009

{my favorite things ~ my journal}

Seriously, my journals ( I say journals because obviously I have had more than one) have saved me at times. Those times I really needed a place to vent the pen and paper were there waiting patiently for me to get it all out, and I know that it will never tell a soul. My journal is the place I voice my deepest thoughts and the craziest, stupidest thoughts too. No, you shall NEVER see it. I am so embarrassed of so many things in there but I will never rip a page out because I love going back to read what I have written months and even years later and being able to laugh at myself and see how far I have come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats such a cute journal! I have loved mine too through the years! the best part is reading back and remembering the things you went through and how you felt about things at the time!